I did a portion of my student teaching in a kindergarten class, and the teacher there taught her class the coins using the tune "Frere Jacques." It's pretty simple :)
Penny, Nickel, Dime
Penny, Nickel, Dime
Quarter, Half Dollar,
Quarter, Half Dollar,
One, Five, Ten,
One, Five, Ten,
Twenty-five, Fifty
Twenty-five, Fifty
My class here learned it relatively easily, and I printed large model coins off the computer and posted them on the white board with name labels and how much each one is worth. It's helping slowly :)
I cleared the morning today so that we could spend more time focusing on money. Their test is on Tuesday, and I want to make sure they understand before then!
I split the class into two groups, gave half of them a two page worksheet that had them identify pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, and then brought the other half to the kidney table with me where we played store. I used post-it notes to put prices on various toys from around the classroom, gave each child pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, and let them one by one make purchases to show that they understood how to use the money. They really enjoyed the "game" (I love it when learning is fun!).
When we finished our group centers, we gathered on the carpet and practiced buying things together. I drew pictures of a pencil, a book, a lunchbox, and an alphabet block. Next to each one, I put a price tag. Then I chose students to come up and buy the items. They chose coins from a money box and decided how to pay for things. I drew the coins they chose to pay with under the item they "bought," and then invited other students to come up and show different ways to pay the same amount of money. It was very successful, and now I feel better about their understanding of money!
We will be doing more of this on Monday to prepare for that test :)